Our mission is to create the best climate software tools in the world
Dougal Watt - Distinguished Chief Architect and Patent Inventor Sarah Sutherland - Creative Director Tim Zonneveld - Accountant and Lawyer
Dougal Watt
Founder / director
Dougal is globally certified as a Distinguished Chief Architect, IBM Certified Enterprise Architect and IBM Executive Certified Information Architect. He is an inventor of multiple software patents and holds a MA and BSc. Dougal is a former Chief Technologist of IBM, with deep international technology experience and an extensive career consulting to some of the world’s largest and most complex companies and organisations.
Sarah Sutherland
Founder / director
Sarah is the creative director of ClimateTracker and advises on strategy, recruitment, design, UI/UX, and engagement methodologies and approach. She holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts, and her early career includes solo and group art exhibitions in New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Tim Zonneveld
Tim has an extensive career in regulatory reporting, being a Partner in the Taxation Services division of BDO, and having worked as a Tax Lawyer at a number of Law practices including Russell McVeagh and Bell Gully. Tim holds a Law Degree and BMS (Hons) 1st Class in Accounting.
Our story
ClimateTracker software is designed to revolutionise regulatory climate reporting and disclosure software.
Building ClimateTracker has been a multi-year journey with the software designed to enterprise level banking and government standards, using proprietary advanced technology that allows the ClimateTracker system to be updated rapidly, at very little cost, when regulators change the standards.
ClimateTracker and their clients climate data is held in secure portals on AWS Cloud – all designed to the highest security standards. AWS cloud has never had any known security breaches. This is much safer and more secure than the current ad hoc PDF’s and assortment of reporting methods that many organisations currently use to manage their climate data.
Government climate standards and regulations around the world are constantly changing, so ClimateTracker is designed to meet continually changing regulatory requirements and support companies that may have multiple geographies with different climate regulations.
Changing government requirements have been very difficult to satisfy using traditional technology. No sooner than software developers code to the current climate standard, it changes and developers then need to recode and go back and update the data.
ClimateTracker solved the technical challenges using their advanced technology, and also set out to solve the business challenges faced by organisations on the complexity of climate regulations themselves.
ClimateTracker has a guided system to help consultants gather the climate information required to support government standards that makes the complexity of the climate standards simpler to understand, report and manage.
In addition, the ClimateTracker team have also created the technology to immediately analyse and visualise comprehensive climate information entered into the tool which can help make decisions easier for stakeholders while giving valuable insights and value. This is a game changer for organisations that are serious about getting up to date intelligence and metrics on their climate data!
Finally, in an end-to-end solution, ClimateTracker has created a way to automate creation and management of Regulatory Disclosures and climate reporting to serve different audiences such as Stakeholders, Public, Regulators, and Assurance firms. ClimateTracker does this via secure AWS portals and API’s in a machine-readable format to automate the entire process.
Climate disclosure and climate technology is a new area – there are not enough trained climate consultants – and a huge number of organisations that need decision and reporting support for climate standards that are often only a few months old. ClimateTracker has been designed as a smart technology tool to support these organisational and consulting advisory firms needs, across geographies, to help organisations do their best to help mitigate climate change risks.