Established in 2021 ClimateTracker was created to simplify climate reporting and create meaningful action

Dougal Watt
Dougal is globally certified as a Distinguished Chief Architect, IBM Certified Enterprise Architect and IBM Executive Certified Information Architect. He is an inventor of multiple software patents and holds a MA and BSc. Dougal is a former Chief Technologist of IBM, with deep international technology experience and an extensive career consulting to some of the world’s largest and most complex companies and organisations.

Sarah Sutherland
Sarah is the creative director of ClimateTracker and advises on strategy, recruitment, design, UI/UX, and engagement methodologies and approach. She holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts, and her early career includes solo and group art exhibitions in New Zealand, the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Tim Zonneveld
Tim has an extensive career in regulatory reporting, being a Partner in the Taxation Services division of BDO, and having worked as a Tax Lawyer at a number of law practices including Russell McVeagh and Bell Gully. Tim holds a Law Degree and BMS (Hons) 1st Class in Accounting.